Open Popular Science Lecture "With a Sword and a Pen: Ataman of Two Winter Campaigns Yuriy Tyutyunnik"

20 april 2021 year

On April 20, 2021, Karazin University School of Philosophy is holding the open popular science lecture "With a Sword and a Pen: Ataman of Two Winter Campaigns Yuriy Tyutyunnik", organized to mark the 130th birth anniversary of the prominent Ukrainian military and political figure, one of the leaders of the national liberation struggles for Ukraine's independence in 1917–1921 Yuriy Tyutyunnyk.

The lecture will be held online.

Organizers: D. I. Bahalii Center of Ukrainian Studies, School of Philosophy, together with the public organization "Lipetsk Hundred".

Lecturer: Tetyana Shvydchenko, founder of the educational organization "Expert Corps", employee of the National Museum of the Revolution of Dignity.

Moderator: Andrii Domanovskyi, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, School of Philosophy.

Beginning: at 15:30.

Lecture link in Zoom (lecture ID: 835 1718 6835, access code: ibzmm8).

We invite everyone interested!

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