At Karazin University, there was a Graduation Ceremony for Stakeholders in the Postgraduate Education System

25 june 2024 year

At Karazin University, the concluding session took place with postgraduate students—scientific and pedagogical staff from the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and the Department of Psychology of Activities in Special Conditions at the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine. From May 15, 2024, they participated in a professional development program on "Rehabilitation Psychology and Social Work" at the Continuing Education Center.

During the final session, the Director of the Continuing Education Center, Mykhailo Tatarynov, analyzed the effectiveness of the educational process, addressed participants' current issues regarding future collaboration in educational, methodological, and educational processes in higher education.

Participants shared their thoughts on the specificities of the lectures, practical work, and trainings they attended. They expressed gratitude to the administration of Karazin University for creating optimal conditions for learning and professional development tailored to their individual educational trajectories in postgraduate and adult education systems.

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