Research Article by Karazin University Scholars Published in the Journal of Applied Physics

11 june 2024 year

The article by students and staff of the Department of Computational Physics at the Education and Research Institute of Computer Physics and Energy and the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics at the Faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics, and Computer Systems was published in the Journal of Applied Physics, was featured by the editors and highlighted on the cover of the current journal issue.

This work investigates the relationship between the geometric parameters and the resonant properties of anisotropic nanostructures based on gold nanopatches. The authors developed a practical algorithm to design the nanostructures with specified electromagnetic properties. As an illustrative example, the authors demonstrated the implementation of the plasmon canalization phenomenon. In this regime, the strongly localized surface electromagnetic waves propagate in the vicinity of the nanostructure along a specific direction without any divergence, as it is shown in the figure.

This work was supported by the U. S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global), the European Commission’s EURIZON Fellowship Program for Ukraine, the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

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