The Implementation of the Memorandum between Karazin University and the Education Department of the Administration of Saltivskyi District of the Kharkiv City Council

1 november 2023 year

On October 31, 2023, as part of the memorandum's tasks, representatives of Karazin University participated in a scientific and methodological seminar for the heads of general secondary education institutions at the municipal institution "Kharkiv Lyceum No. 139 of the Kharkiv City Council's Administration of Education in Saltivskyi District."

The participants of the event, guided by the director of the university's postgraduate education center, Mykhailo Tatarinov, familiarized themselves with scientific, methodological, and theoretical materials and actively engaged in a workshop on the topic of "Scientific and Practical Components for the Teacher-Students-Parents system in the Conditions of Martial Law."

As a result of the practical work, an algorithmic approach to the activities of the head of a general secondary education institution and the pedagogical team under their leadership was developed, considering various diversification aspects of professional work for future practical use.

There was an exchange of ideas about educational losses and gains in wartime conditions.

At the end of the seminar, Mykhailo Tatarinov and the education technology center's methodologist, Serhiy Verbenko, presented certificates to the participants of the event based on their participation in the seminar.v

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