Karazin University projects are among the winners of the competition within the EU Erasmus+ program (KA2)

10 august 2023 year
International activities

The project teams of the School of Foreign Languages and the Educational and Scientific Institute "Karazin Business School" have gained victory and have been selected for funding under the European Union's Erasmus+ program to enhance the potential in the field of higher education.

In total, there were 20 winning projects among 58 universities and organizations from Ukraine.

Two new winning projects were from Karazin University under the Erasmus+ KA 2 "Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education". Erasmus + programs are evidence of the academic and teaching community's maturity for implementing advanced achievements in higher education, their desire to carry out joint fundamental research, and consequently, to improve the national higher education systems of the participants.

The winning projects from Karazin University are:

  • "Modernization of university education programs in foreign languages by integrating information technologies — DigiFLEd." 
  • "Curriculum Reform to Promote Education for Peace in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova — PeaceEdu," implemented at the Karazin Business School. 

The DigiFLEd project aims to enhance the quality of education in higher schools of Ukraine by implementing modern information technologies and promoting Ukrainian language and culture on an international level. The project will be carried out by a consortium of 10 partners from four countries.

The project coordinator is the University of Tampere, Finland. The project duration is three years.The project implementation will take place at the School of Foreign Languages at Karazin university.The aim of the PeaceEdu project is to promote sustainable peace education practices in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova by strengthening the potential and capacity of higher education institutions in these countries to invest in the development of interdisciplinary peace education and peace studies. The consortium consists of 13 partners representing six countries. The project coordinator is the University of Tampere, Finland. The project's duration is three years. At Karazin University, the project will be implemented at the Karazin Business School.

The database of all projects based on the results of the 2023 competition is available at the following link.

Congratulations to the winners! We wish them inspiration and determination in achieving the ambitious goals of the projects. Onward to new victories!

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