Associate Professor of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History Leonid Chernyavskyi Has Passed Away: The University Extends Its Condolences...

7 october 2024 year

It is with deep sorrow that we inform you of the passing of Leonid Chernyavskyi, PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History at the School of History, on October 2, 2024, at the age of 72.

Leonid Serhiiovych dedicated his entire conscious life to historical science and teaching. His experience in scientific and pedagogical work in higher education institutions of the III-IV accreditation level spanned 35 years.

Since defending his dissertation, he published over 40 scientific articles, theses, and methodological works, including contributing to the writing of three collective monographs and the encyclopedic dictionary "World History: The 20th Century."

He was awarded an Honorary Diploma from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for his many years of dedicated work and personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists.

Leonid Serhiiovych was distinguished by his professionalism, creativity, and high level of competence. He was sincerely respected by his colleagues and students. He always generously shared his knowledge and experience.

May the bright memory of Leonid Serhiiovych remain with us forever. Eternal memory!

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