International Students' Day. The University Extends its Greetings

17 november 2023 year

Annually, on November 17th, the world celebrates the holiday of youth and thirst for knowledge – International Students' Day.

Student years are a time when every step is filled with discoveries, creative ideas, and incredible opportunities. For the younger generation, the world of science and exploration opens up, filled with freedom, creative searches, acquaintances, bright events, and prospects.

For the student community of Karazin, today is a double celebration, as the university marks its 219th anniversary since its founding.

May each day of study be filled with interesting discoveries, and taking exams be an easy verification of acquired knowledge and skills. May your student years become a strong foundation for great achievements and the realization of aspirations, providing genuine friends and wise mentors, along with countless unforgettable moments.

We wish you inexhaustible energy to achieve your dreams, patience, and wisdom to overcome all difficulties, motivation, and success in your studies so that fortune always smiles at you in life.

Congratulations on International Students' Day!

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