The University Celebrates International Day of Philosophy

16 november 2023 year

Annually, on the third Thursday of November, the world celebrates International Philosophy Day.

Thanks to UNESCO introducing this day in 2002, more and more people pay attention to the surrounding world, its problems, and urgent issues. Familiarity with philosophy allows us to explore the world of intellectual heritage, new thinking, and the creation of innovative ideas.

Philosophy is the love of wisdom. At Karazin University, the flame of knowledge will always burn and warm the hearts of students, teachers, and researchers.

It was at Karazin University that the first philosophical school in Ukraine was founded, whose representatives critically rethought the ideas of German idealism. Its founder was Johann Gottlieb Schad, one of the first professors at Karazin.

Karazinites, experiment, hypothesize, do not be afraid of mistakes. With each action, you get one step closer to the truth!

We wish you inexhaustible inspiration and continuous expansion of horizons of understanding. Karazin is confident that the contribution of our philosophers is highly valued in Ukraine and beyond its borders!

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