Karazin Students Planted Magnolias in the University Botanical Garden

5 april 2024 year

On April 3rd, the administration, students, and faculty of Karazin University participated in an important initiative to preserve the diversity of the university botanical garden's plant life. This year, deciduous magnolias were planted — symbols of spring and love.

As noted by the Deputy Director of the botanical garden, Oleksandr Alyokhin, magnolias have been planted in the botanical garden over the past few decades. For many people, these plants are a symbol of Crimea, although they "feel good" in the Kharkiv region as well. Thus, more and more symbols of our South appear in Eastern Ukraine. According to him, the staff have hopes: in a few years, the botanical garden's territory will become even brighter and more colorful due to the planted plants!

The university's leadership expressed gratitude to the participants of this initiative and hopes that planting plants will become a tradition for the university. For the second year in a row, Karazinites have been meeting in the botanical garden in spring to enrich its flora. This year's event was supported by the Kharkiv Karazin University Foundation.

We believe that each planted plant is a step towards a greener, healthier future for all Kharkiv residents.

The Karazin University Botanical Garden is not only a place of relaxation and enjoyment for the city's residents but also a symbol of natural wealth and human responsibility towards it. Currently, the botanical garden's collections include over 8,000 species of plants.

Book a tour by phone: +380 (68) 505-96-95. There is a discount for Karazin University students, so bring your student ID with you.

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