Karazin University Initiated the Education of Teachers from Various Educational Institutions in Kharkiv Region

1 march 2024 year

Starting from February 29, 2024, Karazin University began training pedagogical staff from institutions of basic and full general secondary education, a vocational-technical education institution from four districts of Kharkiv, two cities of regional significance, and one of the inclusive-resource centers. Among the participants in the training are representatives from de-occupied territories of Kharkiv region.

The training takes place at the Postgraduate Education Center with active participation from highly qualified academic and pedagogical staff of leading institutes of School of Philology, the Education and Research Institute "Karazin Banking Institute," the Institute of Physical Education and Sports of the University, as well as permanent external partners, municipal institutions "Preschool Educational Institution (kindergarten) No. 427", "Kharkiv Lyceum No. 28", "Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy".

During the first session conducted by the director of the Postgraduate Education Center, Mykhailo Tatarinov, participants honored the memory of those who perished as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war. There was an orientation on life safety in conditions of martial law, familiarization with the specifics of the educational process according to schedules with diversified educational programs, and participants were involved in the initial evaluation.

The specificity of participants' qualification enhancement at Karazin University includes:

  • Organic combination of interactive online lectures on relevant issues of achievements in the corresponding sciences, their application during the education of students in different classes of general secondary education institutions.
  • Implementation of model programs in the 5th and 6th grades of the "New Ukrainian School".
  • Scientific and methodological preparation of teachers for work in the 7th grades with new model programs in the upcoming academic year, including practical and seminar classes.
  • Conducting consultations to develop the foundations of an individual educational trajectory for a teacher's work in the conditions of andragogical education.

The educational process will continue until March 15, 2024.

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