The Karazin Scientific Journal "Financial and Credit Systems: Perspectives of Development" has been included in the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine in category "B"

25 april 2024 year

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "On Approval of Decisions of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine" No. 582 dated April 24, 2024, the scientific journal "Financial and Credit Systems: Perspectives of Development" of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University has been included in the list of scientific printed periodicals belonging to the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, which are assigned the category "B".

The journal can publish the results of dissertation research for obtaining scientific degrees of Doctor of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences, and the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics in the following specialties:

  • 051 Economics;
  • 292 International Economic Relations;
  • 071 Accounting and Taxation;
  • 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance, and Stock Market;
  • 073 Management;
  • 075 Marketing;
  • 076 Entrepreneurship and Trade.

The publication is issued four times a year.

The Editor-in-Chief is Doctor of Economics, Professor Borys Samorodov.

The editorial boards of university periodicals invite Karazin scholars, the scientific community of Ukraine, and scholars from around the world to collaborate. All materials are published on the website "Scientific Periodicals of Karazin University."

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