The University Celebrates Journalist's Day

6 june 2024 year

Today we celebrate Journalist's Day. Professionals in this field give us the opportunity to learn about important events and phenomena and expand our horizons, helping us understand the world around us. Journalism is an untiring search for truth, a fight for justice, and dedication to one's work. It is not just a profession but a true calling that requires not only knowledge and skills but also courage, resilience, and unwavering faith in the power of words.

Especially today, in the era of rapid technological development and global changes, the role of journalists becomes even more crucial. You stand guard over the truth, fighting disinformation and manipulation, helping society stay informed and aware.

In times of war, your work becomes even more significant. Journalists tell the world about the heroism of our soldiers, russian war crimes, tragedies and destruction, Ukrainian resilience and endurance. Reports from the front lines, eyewitness testimonies, photographs, and video materials open the world's eyes to the horrors of war and simultaneously showcase the indomitable spirit of the Ukrainian people. You risk your lives so the world knows the truth, so we all remember what we are fighting for.

The Sociology and Philology Schools of Karazin University are proud to have the honor of educating new generations of journalists who bring knowledge, truth, and humanism into the world. We believe that our graduates will continue the glorious traditions of Ukrainian journalism with dignity and make their contribution to the development and prosperity of our country.

We wish you inexhaustible inspiration, creative success, and robust health! May every day be filled with exciting discoveries, and may the results of your work always find a grateful audience.

Text: Margaryta Moroz
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