The University Extends its Greetings with Armed Forces Day of Ukraine

6 december 2023 year

Every year on December 6th, Ukrainians celebrate the Armed Forces Day of Ukraine, established on the day of the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

This day has always been a symbol of resilience, invincibility, and bravery. Over the past 9 years, we feel the significance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine more than ever – the best sons and daughters of our state.

Today is a special date for our nation. Today, once again, we pray for the well-being of our soldiers, donate for weapons, ammunition, vehicles, and express our gratitude to the defenders of Ukraine.

Thank you for every new day that we greet in a free Ukraine.

Thank you for the future of our children, for the future of our country.

Thank you for your daily heroism.

Thank you for the opportunity to continue learning and teaching. Thanks to your titanic efforts, Karazin University and other educational institutions continue to carry the light of knowledge, even when the enemy is just a few kilometers away.

Karazin University congratulates everyone who serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine on land, in water, and in the air on this day. We wish you endurance and strength. May hope never leave you, and may your guardian angel protect each of you. May the love of your families and the support of Ukrainians warm you even in the harshest days.

We bow our heads to the soldiers who paid the highest price for the independence of Ukraine. Eternal memory to the heroes, and sincere condolences to their families.

Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

Text: Yulia Baglyk
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