Defenders' Day of Ukraine. The University Expresses Gratitude

1 october 2023 year

October 1st is a special day for the Ukrainian people. Today, we celebrate three significant holidays: Defenders' Day of Ukraine, Ukrainian Cossacks' Day, and the Protection of the Holy Mother of God.

Each of these notable days is connected to the centuries-long struggle of Ukrainians for their cherished freedom and independence. According to beliefs, it is the Virgin Mary who protects defenders from bullets, granting them wisdom and resilience.

The Karazin community bows low before the defenders of Ukraine. We say "thank you." We say it in a whisper, not to disturb the blissful silence that we could only dream of at the beginning of the full-scale war. One quiet "thank you" that holds the deepest gratitude.

Gratitude to those who first took up the fight. To those who liberate our land inch by inch. To those who maintain hope against all odds. And to those who inspire them on the home front.

Karazin University organized a flash mob called "Thank You to the Military," joined by our students, staff, and lecturers. Students from the 7th-A and 7th-G grades of the Education and Developmental Complex 30 "Ekonad" from Kyiv also participated in the flash mob.

Text: Yulia Baglyk
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