Center for Extracurricular Activities

Subdivision contacts:

Address: room 2-68, 4 Svobody Sq, 61022, Kharkiv

Director of Center of extracurricular activities

Tetyana Сherednychenko

The Center for Extracurricular Activities is a structural unit of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

The tasks of the center are to involve students in extracurricular activities, considering national and racial differences, traditions, and the corporate culture of the university, and to instill in students’ social responsibility, gender equality, patriotism, academic integrity, and a healthy lifestyle.

Among the main activities of the Center are:

  • Ensuring interaction and cooperation of the university administration with student self-government bodies, trade union organizations, other public, youth, student, and volunteer organizations.
  • Coordination and control of extracurricular activities at faculties and educational and scientific institutes; coordination of the work of deputy deans of faculties/directors of educational and scientific institutes in educational activities and curators of academic groups.
  • Provision of free psychological support for students at university higher education.
  • Coordination and participation in conducting educational, cultural, methodical, and socially useful activities for students of higher education in the fields of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, gender education in Ukrainian society, and combating violence.
  • Planning, organization, and coordination of educational, cultural, and artistic events; public lectures and meetings with prominent figures for students of higher education at the university.
  • Cooperation with other institutions of higher education, enterprises, institutions, and public and youth organizations on issues related to the Center's activities.
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