Kharkiv Quantum Winter School 2025

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, in cooperation with Kharkiv International Quantum Center, announces the registration for the "Kharkiv Quantum Winter School 2025" for future young specialists! The school will be held from 8th to 11th of January 2025 in a hybrid format.
Have you ever wondered how world-changing gadgets work? We invite you dive into the amazing world of science! At Kharkiv Winter Quantum School 2025, you will learn how science turns fantasies into reality:
- Do computer experiments that look like magic!
- Learn how quantum technologies are created!
- Work and play in teams with other young geniuses!
The school’s topics will cover modern problems of quantum physics that are being applied in the forefront technologies, introduction to quantum programming languages, single-qubit and multi-qubit operations, physical realizations of qubits, quantum algorithms, and quantum machine learning. The school program also includes overview lectures from leading experts in the quantum IT industry and international partners. Special attention will be paid to informal communication during interactive thematic games and discussions during lunch and coffee breaks.
Each participant who will attend most of the classes will receive an official certificate. Participants will also receive additional tasks for the self-studies, the best teams will receive awards and presents. Language of the school: Ukrainian with invited presentations from foreign partners in English.
The number of offline participants is limited, so hurry up and register here.
The preliminary program of the school, the list of speakers and organizers are available via the link.
For organizational issues, please contact Pylyp Kuznietsov: +380 (50) 189-29-30;